
Dec 13 2022

Did she come or not ?


Darling whether you’re a man , women or couple please read.


Welcome to the blog. Today I would like to talk why customers fake orgasm, or  why women( your girlfriend )  fake orgasms ?


I hear a lot from customers , because people  fake orgasms way more than you realize!

So I going to cover that , I will going to cover all the stats about how many women actually fake orgasms, reasons, at least as many as we could think of, why women im sure some women will come up with some crazy reasons, I  thought of a decent list as to why women fake orgasms.

I am also going to talk about how you can tell if a women is faking an orgasm and then what a women should do instead of faking orgasms and what a man should do instead as well.


So if you’re find your woman is faking orgasms, what can you do about that ?


How you can be sure the women really fake orgasms ? So obviously the answer some women fake orgasms.

How often ? Is this a common thing so in doing research I found different studies, and some of them are older some them are more recent , so take them with a grain of salt. According to one study 80 % of women involved has orgasm during sex and 20 % participants reported that they fake orgasm 90 % of the time.


80 % women sometimes fake orgasm

20 % women said they fake it 90 % of the time.


Some other study showed 60 % of women say they faked orgasms and then


A other study that 50 % women faked orgasm  20 % saying faked orgasm every singly time they have sex !


Wow it is a lot !


I never faked an orgasm ! No because in doing so I’m doing myself a disservice !


Well I like to make the costumer happy  ! This is very obvious. Basically just trying to make the customer happy, make him feel good so. That he’ll stick around.


Sometimes when  you sexually satisfy a partner, there are a lot of men that tie their self- worth,  into their ability to make a women orgasm.

That by the way there are women that tie their self worth and their ability to give men orgasms too and those women tend to create men …premature ejaculation. That’s a whole another thing is its a slight aside, but you know,  when talking about gender things sometimes it´s important to just bring up that both sides, often have the same issues, but just a little bit different right ?


So in this particular case some men will not be satisfied ,unless they believe that their women had a orgasm!


Lets say you are with somebody new? You maybe make others partner come many time, lets see how often I can make you come?

So.. what is this scenario , it nothing about me, it is a competition with a women I don’t know about, based on your performance and don’t care about me ! I don’t like this situation .


I thing man have a big ego !


Faking for lack for reason not to …

faking for lack of a reason not to … there are basically women who will fake it just because they are like well…. Whatever you know I mean there no real reason.. not to like, I could, or I don’t have to, but the thing there is, they don’t realize the harm that its causing and if they did realize that, then they probably wouldn’t do it.


Faking for lack of reason not to just sounded so unbelievably disempowering, like you know whatever, there’s no really  reasons, this is great show !


If you want to have great sex you have to actively participate in it and you have to get up off your lazy ass and learn some new skills that might mean try really hard pay attention . It is both man and women.

Some don’t pay attention.


Some women insecure because she does not have orgasms , this one probably is one of the most common reasons. Women who are unable for various reasonst to have orgasms but don’t want to admit that, they’re unable to have an orgasm, this is an interesting thing .

Obviously like with a guy, the big thing there’s two things in the sexual arena you don’t want to admit, that you can’t get it up or you can’t last long.

If you can’t get it up there’s no hiding. If you can’t last , it no reason to hiding it.

For women side one of the main sexual dysfunction especially I mean you see this a lot  women is the inability to orgasm. Especially with intercourse.

The amount of women who do not orgasm from intercourse I think go up 80 %.

I think there’s a combination both of a lack of understanding of their anatomy and sometimes it could be a lack of compatibility , but mostly you know you can learn to become compatible, its mostly a lack of communication and understanding and lack of patience. Because most people think an orgasm should come in seconds!


I recommend for the  cumstumer to book me for 2 h. The time until I come, it can take until 2h. It is absolutely normal !


It take time until I get to higher place ! But man also, it take time to get to orgasm!


Also for me as a women it is important to feel safe , I need to have a connection, I need to really let go and open up before I can access that orgasm. Now of course there are always going to be few women who  does not apply for , they could meet a stranger on the street have sex in the back of the car. Yes it happens. But it extremely rare, it is not average.


Darling if you want to have amazing sex consistently, you have to redefine what amazing sex is.

Never take nothing personal.


Darling I hope it was informational. Hope to hear from you soon