
Dec 12 2022

What to eat before sex ?

Darling you know which food is good for your sex drive?

In case you don’t know? Then please take a moment and read.


Because, what you eat affects how you feel and not just about how you look, but how you feel inside and if you choose the right ingredients, you can get healthier from the inside out.

When it comes to food, you need to eat real food.


Real food means close as possible it is in the natural form.  So if it comes in a package and its got lots of ingredients and things you cannot pronounce and you’re not sure even what it means, that probably is not good for you.


So take real food to support you, eat a variety of fruits, veggies, lots of those, some whole grains , some legumes, some nuts and lean protein and you will be fine and keep the sugar on the really low , like sugars not good for your sex drive.


Lets talk a little bit more about specific things that you can eat, that will bring some of the elements that you need.

So Zinc is an essential element that is essential for your hormone synthesis and balance it works with your thyroid your progesterone, your cortisol your testosterone and it boost your sexual health.

So things that will contain zinc would work really well, things like shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, eggs, whole grains and even dark chocolates. The darker the better.


So zinc is your first element, anther one is your vitamin D.

Vitamin D also plays a very crucial role in your mood and in your sexual health. So you can supplement with Vitamin D, but you can also eat things like salmon, sardines, egg yolk, so depending whether you eat meat or you’re vegetarian if not you can eat those things, or supplement, but vitamin D is essential.



Next is things like pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan and tryptophan will boost your mood so you want to have some good pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds work really well for men as well.


Now things that are food and that are rich in flavonoids, things like the berries and citruses and grapes and apples and hot peppers, again the chocolate, in this other really good container , like red wine and some green tea, or white or black tea and all of these, have like flavonoids and will boost your sex drive.



A spice to consider would be to add some good ginger , because it increases the circulation and some good fruits are pomegranate juice and blueberries and watermelon.

Watermelon can even act like a natural viagra. So think about these foods you’re not just eating to well not be hungry.

You are eating to fuel yourself, your body and your sex drive and a very important points is to also take the time to share a meal together, most people eat really in a rush and they don’t take time anymore but it all starts with creating intimacy.

Sitting down for a min meal looking into each others eyes, sharing something that’s delicious ,that will create a connection that will start to spark some of the desire mealtime, is a great time to unwind with your partner and build intimacy an relaxed and pleasurable way.


So remember you want to focus on real food. You want to  take less sugar you want to add some things with zinc, with Vitamin D ,with flavonoids, with tryptophan, some good spices and you will be good to go !

Darling I hope  it was helpful for you. I hope to see you soon ! Call now and invite to the restaurant

